Things To Know Before You Book a
Galapagos Islands Holiday

How much do travelers really know about the volcanic archipelago stretching across the equator some 500 miles from the coast of Ecuador? Renowned as the petri dish for the theory of evolution, the UNESCO World Heritage Site and Biosphere Reserve is endlessly fascinating, brimming with flora and fauna found nowhere else. Much of the islands are easily accessible for observation and even limited interaction. It’s little wonder the Galapagos Islands hold such a high place on so many travelers’ “Top Ten Must-Do Destinations” lists. But don’t take our word for it.

Sherry Ott’s recent blog post on is a comprehensive guide on what you should know before traveling to the so-called “enchanted islands” and what to expect from your explorations. Read on:

Click here for the full article about Things to Know Before You Book Your Galapagos Holiday on

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