Jacada Travel Launches Trips to Mongolia

Adventure in a land of never-ending vistas, peaceful
solitude, and nomadic culture

The luxury travel specialists providing bespoke, private journeys driven by positive impact, announces a new Central Asian destination: Mongolia.

This is the fifth new destination launched by Jacada Travel in 2024, following GeorgiaArmenia, and Azerbaijan in the Caucasus in April, and the European destination of Romania in July.

Jacada’s personalized adventures are designed to immerse travelers in the culture and diverse landscapes of this beautiful country. Journeys will take in the capital, Ulaanbaatar, where fascinating museums, high-rise contemporary buildings, and ancient Buddhist temples stand together.

Beyond the capital, travelers will explore the desolate and striking landscapes of the vast Gobi Desert, the snowcapped Altai region, and the captivating 13th-century city of Karakorum. Each location offers an incredible array of experiences that uncover plentiful history, genuine culture, and natural beauty, including enthralling birdwatching and exhilarating hiking.

One of the world’s least densely populated countries, Mongolia is known for nomadic culture. To help travelers gain a genuine and sustainable insight into this distinct way of life, Jacada has carefully selected nomadic hosts who, with the help of their communities, will share their customs, heritage, and traditions.

“Mongolia is one of the world’s great adventure travel destinations, and having traveled here extensively myself, I’m excited to share my expertise with our guests,” said Jack Beckford, Travel Designer at Jacada. “It’s hard to prepare for such immense natural beauty and the feeling of utter isolation that’s found in some of the country’s most remote locations. There’s nowhere else quite like it. Staying in a ger, meeting nomadic communities, sipping sundowners at the Flaming Cliffs, and finding shards of dinosaur eggs are just a few everyday experiences our clients can look forward to when exploring Mongolia.”

Among the highlights of Jacada Travel’s new experiences in Mongolia:

  • Spend the afternoon with a nomadic family in the Gobi Desert, gaining hands-on experience with sheep, camel, and yak herding and learning how to milk livestock.
  • Explore the legendary Flaming Cliffs, the site where the first dinosaur egg nest was discovered in 1923.
  • Observe one of the last remaining wild horse species, the takhi, in their natural habitat.
  • Go hiking in Yol Valley National Park while looking for vulture-like lammergeiers, Altai snowcocks, ibex, yaks, and Argali mountain sheep.
  • Join an expert paleontologist for an exclusive laboratory tour to inspect freshly unearthed dinosaur fossils in Ulaanbaatar.
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